In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex and costly procedure that helps couples with infertility or genetic problems conceive a child. IVF involves retrieving mature eggs from the ovaries, fertilizing them with sperm in a lab, and transferring one or more embryos to the uterus. IVF success rates depend on many factors, such as age, cause of infertility, quality of eggs and sperm, and implantation conditions.

One of the challenges of IVF is ensuring that the embryos are transferred to the optimal location in the uterus, where they have the best chance of implanting and developing. This is where C-Arms can play a vital role. C-Arms are mobile X-ray machines that can provide real-time imaging of the uterus and fallopian tubes during embryo transfer. C-Arms can help doctors visualize the anatomy of the reproductive tract, identify any abnormalities or obstructions, and guide the placement of the catheter that delivers the embryos.

C-Arms can also be used for other procedures related to IVF, such as hysterosalpingography (HSG), HSG is a common procedure for evaluating the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes in women with infertility or tubal ligation. It involves injecting a contrast agent into the uterus and taking X-ray images using a fluoroscopic device. However, HSG also exposes the patient and the operator to ionizing radiation, which may have harmful effects on health and fertility. Therefore, it is important to use techniques that minimize radiation exposure while maintaining image quality and diagnostic accuracy.

C-Arms are versatile and convenient devices that can improve the efficiency and accuracy of IVF procedures. However, not all C-Arms are created equal. When buying a C-Arm machine for IVF purposes, there are some features to look for and compare, such as:

Dose reduction features - help you minimize the radiation exposure to yourself, your staff, and most importantly your patients. These include features such as low leakage radiation from the generator, pulse mode, collimation and virtual collimation, laser aimer, filters, auto technique modes and dose control modes. Skanray’s Skan-C has patented technologies such as SkanSafe and SkanSield that reduced the leakage radiation from the x-ray generator to near zero.

One of the techniques that can reduce radiation exposure during HSG is the use of a mobile C-arm fluoroscopic imaging system with advanced features such as pulsed fluoroscopy and last-image-hold capability. Pulsed fluoroscopy means that the X-ray beam is turned on and off, rather than being continuous. In C-arms such as Skan-C, you can reduce radiation to 2 pulse/sec that reduces radiation as compared to continuous mode. Last-image-hold capability allows the operator to capture and display the last image obtained before turning off the X-ray beam, without exposing the patient to additional radiation.

Image quality - The resolution, contrast, brightness, and noise level of the images produced by the C-Arm are crucial for diagnosing and treating infertility issues. A high-quality image can reduce radiation exposure, enhance patient safety, and increase success rates.

Size and mobility: The size and weight of the C-Arm affect its maneuverability and portability in different settings. A compact and lightweight C-Arm can be easily moved around the clinic or hospital, fit into small spaces, and adjust to different angles and positions.

Software and functionality: A user-friendly and intuitive software can simplify workflow, optimize image processing, enable data storage and transfer, and support various applications and protocols.

C-Arms are valuable tools for IVF procedures that can enhance patient outcomes and satisfaction. By choosing a C-Arm machine that meets your needs and expectations, you can offer your patients a more effective and comfortable IVF experience

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